Many have called and said they have read my blog “Spray tanning Hermosa Beach”. One question many potential spray tanning clients in the Hermosa Beach area asked is: What is Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) that’s used in our spray tan solution and is it natural? The answer is not that simple because DHA can be manufactured synthetically or it can be made from natural things like beat sugar or sugar cane. We say our spray tan solution is “natural” because it is made from natural things like certain fruits or cane sugar.

Another question spray tanning clients in the Hermosa Beach area wanted to know is how does DHA turn the skin a brown or tan color? Without getting to technical the DHA reacts with the skins chemistry to turn (stain) the skin tan or bronze temporally.

Another common spray tan questions is: Who long does a spray tan last? Usually 7-10 days depending on many factors.

Many clients told me the stories about how the spray tans that some got years ago in the Hermosa Beach area turned them orange!  Since then there have been many advancements to the spray tan solutions and procedures used today that reduce the risk of that happening. Not only that spray tan solutions have introduced natural ingredients that can cause a lighter or darker tan and make them last longer.

I want to thank those who commented on my blog about “spray tanning Hermosa Beach”. I hope this spray tan information about DHA will prove helpful. Next week we will comment about those cheesy spray tanning tents still being used by some spray tanning salons in the Hermosa and Manhattan beach area. Also commenting on how  some spray tan salons are still using the old paint spray guns that were in use over 10 years ago.

For a beautiful spray tan with our SunFX tanning system call or visit us at South Bay Wax Lash Spa at 827 Palm Drive Hermosa Beach, 90277 Phone 310 347 2012  or visit our website at